Ten Years Of Maze Woods

· wordCount · 1 minute read

Ten years ago we bought a field:

A Field In England

Just a couple of acres on the outskirts of our village.

Then we planted some trees:

Tree Planting

Tree Planting Close Up

We planted a lot of trees, and a hedge. Thousands of plants.

The trees grew:

Early Summer Growth

And now we have a woodland, complete with twisty paths and hidden glades:

A Tree

The children named it “Maze Woods”, and the name has stuck.

Google Maps View

Why did we do this? Of course, we like trees! We also make practical use of the woods.

We have wood-fired central heating at home, using a Wamsler stove. We coppice a small portion of the wood each year. This does not yet provide us with enough wood to heat our way through winter, but it’s getting there:


We also keep bees there, and some friends keep their bees there too.


Has the cost and effort been worth it?
